Our School Policies

Intensive Tuition & Assessment

  1. Anti-Bullying Policy
  2. Child Protection Policy
  3. Inclusion Policy
  4. Teaching and Learning Policy
  5. Curriculum Policy Statement
  6. Behaviour Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy in Brainforte High School: It is recognized that bullying is an unpleasant and unacceptable feature of school life. The whole school staff, in conjunction with Parents are committed to reducing the number of incidents of bullying in school and associated problems within the immediate school environment.  

What is bullying? Bullying takes a variety of forms. It can be defined as repeated and systematic harassment or attack on others. It may be by individuals or groups. It can include many different behaviours, such as:  

Physical violence or attacks
Verbal taunts, name-calling, put-downs, ridicule.
Threats and intimidation.
Extortion or stealing of money /possessions.     
Damage of personal property.
Exclusion from a particular group.   

All of these may cause real distress or upset for the victims. This can affect their learning and general well-being.


What is the school doing to help?

All students have a Key Teacher and/or a guardian Teacher who is the first point of contact for students and parents, if there are any concerns.  

All members of staff must adhere to a discipline Code of Conduct for students which ensures consistency of approach towards student behaviour across subject departments.    

Ground rules for acceptable students’ behaviour are re-enforced in the school.

Individual work and group work take place for students who have been bullies themselves, to look at their behaviour and its effects on others.    

School staff work closely together to tackle the problem of bullying.


What happens in school if an incident of bullying occurs?

It is vitally important that all students understand that they must report incidents of bullying to someone, so that the incident can be dealt with. This should apply not only if they themselves are the victims, but also if someone else is being affected. Bullying must not be tolerated!

The person they tell can be their Buddy, a Teacher they trust, their guardian Teacher, a member of the Senior Management team, someone in the Office or a Janitor. It does not matter, as long as they tell someone.

Every incident reported will be dealt with, as deemed appropriate.

Our intense teaching methods ensure that students are familiar with all aspects of the syllabus.
Using well planned timetables, continuous assessment and homework, students’ progress are monitored. Students are tested monthly and examined at the end of each term. Parents are kept informed with reports on the academic performance and welfare of their children once a term.